Sekhmet Activation
Join us for a powerful Akashic Ceremony where we invoke the energy of the goddess Sekhmet, the embodiment of healing and transformation. In this session, we’ll explore the balance between accepting what we cannot change and empowering ourselves to transform what we can. Together, we’ll activate the sacred goddess codes and integrate the potent energies of Egypt, acknowledging the choices we made before birth to transmute and master our life experiences. Tap into the wisdom of Sekhmet to transmute challenges into strength and embody your highest power.
Write your awesome label here.
I just tuned in to the Akashic Ceremony. Wow!!! It was so beautiful, powerful, and fun.
I called in my full healing and health. I saw where I'm still hiding. I've been hiding my whole life, and that construct is crumbling away.
I am experiencing a lot of healing around my lung, letting go of grief, and in the areas that are constricting me physically. I loved the shamanic vibe and definitely felt an alien vibe at times. Fun mix of vibes.
Write your awesome label here.
How it Works
What to Expect
Guided Akashic Journeys:
Each session starts with a short talk introducing the theme, followed by a guided journey into the Akashic field. This process helps unlock blockages and aligns your energy field with your desired outcomes.
Supportive Energetic Field:
The Akashic field amplifies the effects of the meditative journey, bringing in profound healing insights and a stronger connection to your soul's energy.
Interactive Q&A and Support:
The final 30 minutes to an hour of each ceremony is dedicated to Q&A and audience support, providing a space for personal insights and communal sharing.
Manifestation of Goals and Desires:
Learn to harness the power of the Akashic field to manifest your goals and desires more effectively.
What Others are Experiencing
Wow that was powerful! I felt myself beam up into the cosmos and transform into a shooting star. Generating and collecting more energy and raising my vibration. As my chakras opened and prepped for downloading the miracle I felt a new connection to my crown chakra open up.
When I thought of reasons to block the miracle I was transported to ancient Egypt and felt stuck in quicksand. Fear of change can be paralyzing. Once support was called in to overcome the block I felt supported and stairs appeared to help me rise above the quicksand.
I am ready to enter the unknown and evolve!
jessica d
The Timeline Akashic Ceremony was one of the most powerful I've experienced.
I was in another world. Total upgrade, new frequency, so excited and grateful to be here
I was in another world. Total upgrade, new frequency, so excited and grateful to be here
I just did this journey and I thought it was going to be about health, and it was…but was also about so much more.
The miracle I downloaded was wealth AND health. I connected with the version of me that has it all, bc the me that has wealth also has full, radiant health… And so it is!
tiffany h